Conditions of learning a foreign
Conditions of learning a foreign language Many parents are concerned about what the right conditions for learning a foreign language are! Some support the particular, others the small segment with 2-3 people and finally who choose the normal class?
Although we are experiencing a long-term crisis, the issue is very serious and not about what one pays, because it is not a commodity, but an investment in the child!
So what should the parent choose?
The answer is normal class, not over 12-13 students, because
1. Learning takes place in a social learning environment, because in a similar work environment, the child will be invited to apply foreign language education and education.
2. Learning together makes learning easier because children are targeted and evaluated (emotionally) much more positively and accurately as they express themselves in a social context.
3. In addition to language, the learning process extends to a variety of skills, useful and necessary for the future: namely, cooperation, teamwork, expression among others, self-discipline and capacity-building, through its sequence now one after the other. ! Finally, right or wrong is an experiential learning.
4. Within the organized environment of a classroom, there is a well-structured learning program with goals followed with consistency and specific rhythm.
5. The structure of the regular classroom has a long experience with the application of new trends, selection of modern books and appropriate equipment.
6. In the normal classroom the teacher is supervised, as is the learning process.
On the contrary, in this particular or a few classes, the learning environment is particularly poor, with the teacher ending up following the pace of the child or 2-3 children! So it becomes slower than faster.